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One of my favorite things about Romania is the miles and miles of sunflower fields. When we are driving there is yellow as far as the eye can see. Something you might not know about me is that sunflowers are my absolute favorite flower! So it is so sweet that we are here during peak sunflower season. I have bought sunflowers in every country we have been in so far because there is just something about them that exudes joy to me. Last week, on our way to the capital, Bucharest, I begged our ministry host to let us stop at one of the fields so we could really have the full experience. It was so fun and I wanted to share some thoughts I had about sunflowers after that experience.

1. Sunflowers get their name because, well they look like the sun. Their bright yellow pedals resemble rays of sunshine. And like all plants, sunflowers rely on two things to survive, light and water. How beautiful is it that sunflowers literally bear the image of the thing that gives them life. I am struck by that fact that this is also what we are called to do. Jesus is our life source. We see this in John 14:6 where Jesus says “I am the way, the truth, and the life”. Again in John 10:10 Jesus says “I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full.” These verses and many others point to the fact that Jesus gives us life! As Christians we don’t just follow Jesus, we are called to become like him, to bear his image. We are called to be people who reflect the love of Jesus, the compassion of Jesus, the humility of Jesus, the obedience of Jesus. When we are filled with Jesus we begin to look more and more like Him.

2. A fun fact you might not have known about sunflowers is that they move throughout the day so that they are always facing the sun. They never lose sight of the thing that gives them life. They are always aware of where the sun is at all times. I think so often as I go about my day I get consumed by my own agenda, my own wants, my own circumstances that I forget to keep my eyes on the Lord. I think when I forget to constantly have my face turned towards Him I miss a lot of what He is doing and how He is present in my day to day. It is when I lose track of where He is that I become more susceptible to frustration, anxiety, and fear. I want to be someone who doesn’t just turn to God when I need Him or when things are going really well, but someone who makes a habit of looking up and seeking His face in every moment. That as He moves throughout my day, my attention may also follow. That I wouldn’t be easily distracted, but instead completely captivated by the one who gives me life.

This past week I’ve been so encouraged and challenged to be like a sunflower, to both reflect the image and turn my face towards the Son.


One response to “The Land of the Sunflowers 🌻”

  1. Great post B! You’d be struck by how many little sunflowers (are they really sunflowers or just little versions, I don’t know) are all over right now – I think it’s due to the massive amount of rain we’ve had in Colorado, but it makes me smile even more thinking about how much you would love it!