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Well we are 12 days into training camp and oh boy! I’m not sure what I really expected but any expectations I did have, have been blown out of the water. The Lord has been speaking to my heart in such beautiful ways and I just feel a deep sense of being right where He has called me to be. He has been showing me more of who He is as a father, a healer, and a promise keeper. But the most amazing way that I have seen the Lord at work is through my AMAZING squad (T-Squad)! There are 9 of us, plus our 2 incredible leaders. It is a pretty small group considering squads can be as big as 45 people, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Already we have been able to create such strong connections which just shows the power of the Lord to bring people together. It is so amazing to see how we all have different gifts and experiences that that make us unique and allow us to each bring something different to the squad. Something that has grieved my heart in the last few years and I know it grieves the Lord’s heart is the division in the church. It has been so healing for me to see that even though we all come from different states, different denominations and experiences we are unified through our love for Jesus. We have had really open and vulnerable conversations focused on how even though we may have slightly varying theologies, beliefs, and faith backgrounds our EVERYTHING is the same because our EVERYTHING is Jesus. It has been incredible to be a part of a community of people who are sold out for Jesus and I have a new understanding of what it means to be the body of Christ. Our vision for our squad this next 11 months is “to seek the truth of who God is and who we are to bring him glory”. We want to “treasure G.O.D. (Growth, Obedience, Devotion) and the fruits of the spirit (Joy, Peace, Love, Patience, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control)”. This training camp has been marked with countless moments of joy and laughing so hard it hurts and I am SO thankful. I know without a doubt that the Lord has handpicked each one of my squad mates to be here and be a part of each other’s stories. Please pray for safety, peace, and guidance for us as we travel to the Dominican Republic on Monday! We are beyond excited and so expectant for God to move!


All my love,


4 responses to “Training camp: Growing in Georgia”

  1. This is amazing Bethany!! Thanks for sharing. Love the unity theme. So inspired by your experiences so far!!

  2. Bethany! I’m so excited to have a front-row seat to your journey, to see all that the Lord will do in and through you in the days ahead. Know that you are prayed for and so loved!

  3. Sounds amazing! You will stay in our prayers! We look forward to watching this journey unfold for you!